
Differential diagnosis of lung abscess and complications

Here, We are going to discuss the differential diagnosis(DDx) and complications of lung abscess .

Differential diagnosis of Lung abscess

(From other cavitary or suppurative lung $)
Lung abscess
- Acute onset
- The expectoration increases on lying on healthy side
- Retension $ is common (i.e. attacks of cough with expectoration of large amount of sputum and evacuation of the cavity and then reaccumulation occurs )

- Gradual onset
 - Long duration
- It is bilateral, basal so the expectoration increases with leaning forward .

Infected cystic lung 

Empyema with bronchopleural fistula diagnosed by (Methylene blue test)
i.e. injection of methylene blue into pleural space -7 bluish colouration of the sputum.

Complications of lung abscess:

• Pneumonitis
• Pleurisy, pleural effusion and empyema.
• Bronchiectasis and fibrosis
 • Amyloidosis e.g in kidney ---> Nephrotic $
Read : - Diagnosis of Lung abscess | symptoms, signs and investigations .
           - Lung abscess definition, causes, pathology and treatment
Differential diagnosis of lung abscess and complications
Dr.Tamer Mobarak


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