These are the possible causes and differential diagnosis (DDx) of a case complaining of backache (Back pain)
You can click the linked disease name to know more about details
- Disc prolapse.
- Lumber spondylosis.
- Muscle spasm due to fracture.
2- Inflammatory
- Sero -ve arthropathy
- Brucellosis
3- Metabolic
4- Neoplasm
-Multiple myeloma
5- Referred pain
-Cancer pancreas
-Renal colic
-Retroperitonial haematoma
-Diseases of cervix or prostate
You can click the linked disease name to know more about details
Causes of back pain can be :
1- Mechanical- Disc prolapse.
- Lumber spondylosis.
- Muscle spasm due to fracture.
2- Inflammatory
- Sero -ve arthropathy
- Brucellosis
3- Metabolic
4- Neoplasm
-Multiple myeloma
5- Referred pain
-Cancer pancreas
-Renal colic
-Retroperitonial haematoma
-Diseases of cervix or prostate