
10 Amazing Facts you've never known about Viagra

Viagra "Sildenafil " or "the little blue pill" is a widely used medication to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension , which has been available "discovered " in 1998 and it made a revolution in the treatment of erectile dysfunction .
Here, we will tell you 10 amazing facts that you propably never known about Viagra .

1. Viagra is NOT a sex stimulant 

Though most users believe that viagra increase the libido " the desire to have sex " ,but the first fact tells you that Viagra does NOT increase the desire , it just increases the blood flow to the penis , so it helps Strengthening penile erection .
So, if a person complains of " No libido " , Viagra won't help him .
viagra myths cleared , libido

2. Viagra can save the lives of Premature Babies

though it is still under research , but  scientists are working on researches that study the possibility of using Viagra in pregnant women to  increase blood supply to the placenta and the uterus "womb" , so that more Oxygen and nutrients could be delivered to the baby to continue growing inside the womb and prevent those serious health hazards that accompany premature birth .
viagra saves premature babies

3. Viagra would be used for Jet Lag 

Laboratory experiments on hamsters proved that viagra helps people to overcome jet lag faster , as in labs , viagra helped hamsters to reset their sleep - wake cycle faster " circadian rhythms " .
viagra treats jet lag

4. Viagra can double the shelf life of cut flowers

Australian scientists proved that low doses of viagra dissolved in a vase of water result in doubling the life of the cut flowers , so they can stand up straight for an extra week .

5. Viagra helps to save Endangered animal Species

In countries like China , people traditionally use medications like potions made from rhino horn, tiger bones, seal penises and reindeer antler velvet. when viagra replaces those medications , this will save the lives of those animals .

6. Viagra is used to increase athletic performance

though no researches were made to prove the effect of viagra on athletes , many athletes are reported to use it as they think that viagra enhances their performance in competitions .

7. Viagra is used to treat Mountain Sickness and also Pulmonary Hypertension

- The active ingredient of viagra which is " Sildenafil " is used under the trade name " Revatio " in treatment of cases of Pulmonary Hypertension to lower the pulmonary pressure (pressure in the blood vessels going to the lungs) 
- Viagra is used to prevent Mountain Sickness because it decreases the pulmonary pressure thus enables persons who are at high altitude to to exercise in low oxygen conditions .

8. Viagra is useful in treatment of Prostate,Ovarian and Stomach cancers

- Scientists in  Virginia Commonwealth University discovered that a drug combination that involves viagra and doxorubicin can help in treatment of Prostate,Ovarian and Stomach cancers .

9. Viagra is the most Counterfeited drug in the world 

- Original viagra is very expensive for most of the world population especially in developing countries , this gives an opportunity for generic drug manufacturers to manufacture their own fake versions of viagra , exploiting the high demand on the drug all over the world .

10. Uses of viagra for WOMEN 

Up till now , there are no evidences that explain the benefits of using viagra to improve the sexual experience for women , but researches are still ongoing to discover .
10 Amazing Facts you
Dr.Tamer Mobarak


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