This article is a compilation of all kinds of investigations used to help diagnosis of diseases of the Urinary system including laboratory and radiology tests and techniques .
- The diagnostic investigations are listed below as links to their illustrating articles .
- To read the details of each investigation, just click its Name .
a- Lab. investigations
- The diagnostic investigations are listed below as links to their illustrating articles .
- To read the details of each investigation, just click its Name .
a- Lab. investigations
- Intravenous pyelagraphy (IVP)
- Abdominal Ultrasound | Renal sonar
- Renal Scan
- Plain X-ray urinary tract (KUB) , to detect :
• Stone.
• Nephrocalcinosis.
• Calcification of urinary bladder (Bilharziasis).
• Changes of renal osteodystrophy.
• Air within the kidneys in severe infections in diabetics.
c- Invasive technique