Definition: Acute inflammation of the mucosal lining of the paranasal sinuses lasting no longer than 4 weeks.
Acute rhinitis is a common association so it's better called (Acute rhinosinusitis, ARS).
Viral rhinosinusitis (VRS): ARS of less than 10 days duration.
Acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (ABRS): ARS of more than 10 days duration.
Viral rhinosinusitis (VRS): ARS of less than 10 days duration.
Acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (ABRS): ARS of more than 10 days duration.
Predisposing factors:
- Viral infections.
- Obstructive anatomy; Deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps, allergic rhinitis or osteomas.
- Disturbed muco-ciliary clearance; Kartagner syndrome, or cystic fibrosis -Immune deficiency (IgA deficiency).
- Air pollution and overcrowdings.
Routes of spread:
- Extension of upper respiratory tract infection.
- Missed foreign body or nasal pack.
- Nasogastric tube
Dental caries or oro-antral fistula causes maxillary sinusitis.
External trauma:
Facial fractures and penetrating injuries.
Causative organisms:
- Viral: Rhinovirus, corona virus, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus.
- Bacterial "acute bacterial rhinosinusitis ABRS":
- Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Hemophilus influenza, Staph aureus and Maroxilla catarrhalis (children).
ARS usually starts by catarrhal followed by suppurative rhinosinusitis.
Clinical picture:
Acute rhinosinusitis is mainly a clinical diagnosis. It is most appropriately made on the basis of the medical history, symptoms, and clinical examination.
- History of URTI is usually present.
- Constitutional symptoms: Fever, headache, malaise.
- Nasal obstruction (unilateral or bilateral).
- Rhinorrhea (unilateral or bilateral).
- Facial pain and headache.
- Hyposmia or anosmia.
Over the affected sinus.
- Acute maxillary sinusitis: facial pain is felt over the cheek and referred to upper teeth and ear.
- Acute frontal sinusitis: Facial pain is felt over the forehead. It starts in the morning as the sinus fills up during sleeping and secretions are under tension. Headache gets worse by the mid-day as the air doesn’t adequately replace the coming down pus (Vacuum headache). At the end of the day headache disappears as the sinus becomes well drained and aerated.
- Acute ethmoiditis: Facial pain is felt over the inner canthus and retro-orbital. It may be referred to the parietal region.
- Acute sphenoidal sinusitis: Facial pain is felt retro-orbital and referred to the occiput. Increasing by leaning forward. More severe in the morning.
NB: When to suspect ABRS clinically?
- ARS symptoms last for 10 days or get worse.
- High grade Fever.
- Purulent discharge.
- Affected sinus is tender.
- Congestion and edema of nasal mucosa.
- Mucopurulent or purulent nasal discharge. Its location varies according to the affected sinus;
- Pus in the middle meatus (anterior group of sinuses).
- Pus in the superior meatus (posterior ethmoid).
- Pus in the spheno-ethmoidal recess (sphenoid sinus).
- Oral examination shows post-nasal discharge.
Usually not needed in uncomplicated cases as it’s a clinical diagnosis.
1- Radiology: X ray sinus view: opacity or fluid level.
2- CT paranasal sinuses: investigation of choice
3- Culture & sensitivity.
Treatment of Acute Sinusitis:
- Symptomatic treatment: analgesics, decongestants, antihistamines, saline nasal irrigation, mucolytic, and intranasal corticosteroids.
- Antibiotics may be considered in patients with symptoms or signs of acute rhinosinusitis that do not improve within seven days or that worsen at any time
- Most guidelines recommend amoxicillin as first-line therapy. For patients allergic to penicillin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole or macrolides may be used as an alternative to amoxicillin.
- Indicated in resistant or complicated sinusitis.
- The aim of surgery is to drain the sinus and to restore aeration. - Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) has largely replaced open surgical approaches and become the standard technique for treatment.
Open approaches:
- Maxillary sinus: Antral puncture and lavage.
- Frontal sinus: Trephine surgery through the sinus floor.
- Ethmoids: External ethmoidectomy.
- Sphenoid sinus: External spheno-ethmoidectomy.
Key points
ARS is an inflammation of the mucosal lining of nose and paranasal sinuses.
ARS is a clinical diagnosis.