
Renal biopsy indications, contraindications and complications

Here is a discussion of the technique of Renal biopsy regarding its value, indications, contraindications and complications .

Indications of Renal biopsy

1- Nephrotic syndrome in adults.
2- Nephritic syndrome in adults.
3- Asymptomatic haematuria or proteinuria.
4- Focal lesion.
5- Unexplained acute renal failure.
6- Unexplained chronic renal failure with normal or near normal kidney size.
7- Diagnosis of systemic disease with renal involvement e.g. amyloidosis.

Chronic renal failure with normal sized kidney or enlarged can be met with diabetic nephropathy or amyloidosis kidney.

Contraindications of Renal biopsy :

1- Obstructive uropathy.
2- Shrunken kidneys (less than 60% of the expected bipolar length).
3- Solitary kidney (except in renal graft).
4- Uncontrolled hypertension or bleeding tendency.

Complications of Renal biopsy

 (Mortality 0.1%)
• Injury ===> hematuria.
• Rupture kidney.
• infection.
• Perirenal hematoma may cause hypertension.
Renal biopsy indications, contraindications and complications
Dr.Tamer Mobarak


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